Shipping Cars to Canada from UK
When planning to ship your vehicle to Canada, the first and most important thing you must determine is whether your vehicle will be accepted for import. Canada has strict import requirements regarding safety standards that must be met when any vehicle is imported into Canada.
- The car must comply with Canadian standards.
- All vehicles are inspected by the Canadian Agricultural Inspection Agency upon arrival into Canada.
- The vehicle must be owned and used for more than 6 months in order to qualify for tax and duty relief.
- For returning residents, a tax and duty exemption applied to the first $10,000 of the vehicle’s value.
- Anything in excess of $10,000 will be charged applicable duty and taxes.
- For work permit / student visa holders, duty and tax will be waived for the duration of the permit.
- The vehicle will be imported on a temporary basis for the duration of the work permit / student visa must be re-exported upon departure from Canada.
- All cars / motorbikes should be clean on arrival and free of any soil or containments.
- It is recommended to include proof of cleaning (receipts) with the shipping documents.
- Steam cleaning may be required.
- The vehicle cannot contain household goods and personal effects items.
- Motor vehicles imported into Canada cannot be licensed in Canada unless cleared through Canadian Customs
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) work with Transport Canada to ensure that all vehicles imported into Canada are done so in line with safety standards and applicable import regulations. It is important for you to know that your vehicle will be accepted into Canada before shipment as it is the responsibility of the importer to make sure that their vehicle is admissible for importation. If you ship an inadmissible vehicle to Canada, your vehicle will be denied entry and you will be liable for all storage and disposal/re-export costs incurred.
Transport Canada prohibit the importation of all foreign vehicles that are less than 15 years old.
While the CBSA and Transport Canada prohibit the importation of vehicles not manufactured for sale in either Canada or the United States of America, there are circumstances where vehicles manufactured for other foreign markets may be privately imported. Such circumstances include:
- Where the vehicle is in excess of 15 years old.
• If the vehicle is a bus manufactured before January 1st, 1971.
• When the vehicle being imported is not of a regulated class (e.g. mobile homes designed to be towed or motorcycle side cars)
• Where the vehicle is a returning Canadian compliant vehicle being re-imported back into Canada (evidence will be required)
• If the vehicle is a returning U.S compliant vehicle originally owned in the United States.
There is no provision made in the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act to permit vehicles that are sold in a country other than the U.S or Canada to be modified or altered to meet Canadian safety requirements.
Vehicles manufactured for sale in foreign markets that have been modified to meet U.S safety and emission regulations will be classed as ‘Grey Imports’ and are not permitted to be imported into Canada.
Entry of Motor Cars for Temporary Immigrants
If you intend to temporarily import your car for your personal use during a period of visitation or temporary residence in Canada, your vehicle is not required to comply with Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations. Further details and information on regulations that apply to visitors and temporary residents in Canada can be found in the CBSA Guide for Visitors and Temporary Residents.
When shipping a vehicle to Canada temporarily you may be required to arrange shipment under a Carnet de Passage (Carnet) to avoid payments / deposits being made to Canadian customs in regard to import duty and tax when your vehicle is imported for its temporary stay.
Transit cover for your motor car to Canada
Insurance coverage is available for this shipment:
Whilst great care is taken during the shipping of your vehicles, we will do everything possible to ensure your vehicle arrives safely, nevertheless there are many instances of risk for loss or damage which are beyond the removal companies’ control.
The premium is additional and separate to the move cost. The Actual insurance premium is determined by the replacement value declared on the valued inventory form. (link Attached below).
Fully comprehensive Insurance Cover (with no excess!) – click here to view our Insurance Cover
What motor vehicles do you ship?
Relo UK – The Moving company are the experts when it comes to shipping vehicles to Canada, we can handle all types of motor vehicles from small cars to 4-wheel drive vehicles, vans and trailers along will all types of motorcycles as well as boats and caravans. Whatever type of vehicle, as long as the vehicle meets the strict Canadian import rules can be driven on Canadian roads, we can ship it,
Before you import a vehicle, you should also contact the Registrar of Imported Vehicles. This is an agency contracted by Transport Canada to administer a national program to ensure that imported vehicles are brought into compliance with Canada's safety standards.
Please contact our office for further information where one of trained consultants will be happy to assist.
Do you ship motorcycles?
When planning to ship your Motorcycle to Canada, the first and most important thing you must determine is whether your vehicle will be accepted for import. Canada has strict import requirements regarding safety standards that must be met when any vehicle is imported into Canada.
How do I arrange a vehicle shipping quotation?
Please request our get a quote on the home page, or email us at or call us if you prefer on Tel: 0843 289 4350 / 01323 763689
How do you calculate the shipping costs?
Vehicle shipping costs are calculated on the dimensions of your vehicle and the method of shipment selected. Costs are also based on the required service.
How long is the Vehicle quote valid for?
Our quotation is valid for 28 days; this is due to the nature and vagrancies of international shipping which can be affected by currency fluctuations and increase in ocean and air freight costs.
What does the quotation include?
We will receive your vehicle at Our Pevensey depot, photograph and prepare condition report, alternatively we can collect from your residence by our expert cart transporters, where we prepare the condition report at your residence and cross check once in depot, to confirm condition is same as collection.
In accordance with maritime shipping dangerous goods regulations, we will isolate the battery (we do not accept responsibility for the integrity of the electrical system upon reconnection at destination)
Shipment of personal items within the luggage compartment is prohibited
We will load and secure vehicle securing within an appropriate steel container and delivery to UK port of departure or reception at roll on/roll off ferry terminal
Ocean freight to arrival at the required destination port in Canada
Container haulage to our representative's depot, unloading, for Canadian agriculture inspection and customs formalities
Post-move condition survey and handout of vehicle at our representative's depot (groupage or exclusive container paid to depot).
What does the quotation exclude?
Quotation normally excluded storage unless this has been requested at the quotation stage and has been included in the body of the quotation, Insurance cost is normally not included at time of quotation but can be added later. customs and quarantine clearance changes, payable to our local partners. Also excluded are import duties, taxes or other sums due to government departments, such as agriculture inspection fees, customs examination fees, demurrage, quay rent, cargo dues or container detention fees if incurred, and fumigation or steam cleaning if ordered, and any resulting treatment fees if applicable.
For further information please contact our office as for up to information as destination regulations can change without notice.
Will I have to pay VAT?
For international vehicle shipping Vat is not applicable for overseas move, VAT is only applicable for domestic services.
How do I proceed with a booking?
On booking we will take a 15% deposit to secure your nominated dates. We will also send you a comprehensive booking email, which will advise the collection date (if we are collecting by transporter) and depot opening times. We will attach a pdf with a customs form to be completed, request a copy of your passport, also visa if required plus your vehicle import permit, and supply you with insurance information for your perusal. We will also request that the customer acceptance form sent with your quotation is completed and returned to our office, this can be done via email.
Company relocation can my employer pay.
Yes, no problem, what we will require is a purchase order form your present employer and contact details on who will be in charge of payments, as we will not have trading terms with your employer in place, our terms and conditions will still be 15% deposit on booking and balance of invoice 72 hours after collection. We will also require signed acceptance return to confirm the booking.
Can I reclaim VAT on a new vehicle?
You are not permitted to reclaim Vat on the purchase of a new motor vehicle on exportation within or outside of the EU. For further information please refer to HMRC Notice 704 or call their National Advice Service on 0845 010 9000. New Vehicle into Canada Transport Canada prohibit the importation of all foreign vehicles that are less than 15 years old.
Can you arrange nationwide collection?
We have a Vehicle transporter service for collections UK wide, we are also able to collect from most European cities.
Should I drain the vehicle fuel tank?
Ocean freight maritime requirement states that the vehicle vehicle's fuel gauge should register empty upon delivery to our depot for loading into container, we will check the fuel status, please do not leave full as you will be responsible for the cost of draining the tank and disposing the waste fuel. If shipping by roll on/roll off ferry, there should be no more than a quarter of a tank of fuel upon delivery to the ferry terminal. The vehicle must be in full working order, failing which you will be responsible for the charges of a mechanic and/or towing charges.
What is the payments procedure?
On booking we will take a 15% deposit to secure your nominated date. We will also request the completed customer acceptance at time of booking as this confirms the contracted conditions. Once your vehicle has either been received or collected and shipment verified, we will provide you with a final balance invoice which will be In accordance with our trading terms we will respectfully request that we receive payment of the invoice within 72 hours of it being issued. If you are looking at insurance we will require a completed declaration prior to vehicle recieval date, insurance premium costs will be added to your final balance. In the intial quotation email sent there will be a link which will take you to our terms and conditions (please read).
Once payment has been received your consignment will be scheduled to depart as per your quoted terms. Of course if we can assist you further at any time please do not hesitate to contact our office on 01323 763689 or
Should I clean the vehicle?
In addition to documentary and customs requirements on arrival, you must also make sure that your vehicle is well cleaned prior to shipment from the UK to Canada. On arrival in Canada your vehicle may be subject to customs / quarantine examination, and should your vehicle be found to carrying contaminants (such as mud, plant, or other organic matter) additional cleaning may be required before your vehicle can be released from customs control. Should customs ordered cleaning be required you will be notified by our agents who will also advise any such cleaning costs when known. When cleaning your car before shipment there are a few areas to which attention should be paid and that are frequently overlooked including.
• Wheels and tyres (including the spare wheel and the spare wheel housing)
• Up under wheel arches and around mud guards
• The corners of the engine bay, radiator and cooling fan checking for insects and plant matter
• Corners of dashboard area and under seats
Should I deactivate the alarm system?
We will require the code to deactivate the alarm system or immobilizer operated by a numeric keypad, if applicable.
Do I need a current road tax license?
Once received at depot road tax will not be applicable as it will not be driven on driven on public roads, We will require a copy of your registration document or Certificate of Permanent Export (if you have already notified DVLA) and your purchase invoice, as proof of ownership.
Do I need a Certificate of Permanent Export?
Before you export your vehicle, you must complete the V5 Vehicle Document which indicates the intended date of exportation and return it to the DVLC or to a Vehicle Registration Office (VRO), If you take your vehicle abroad for more than 12 months, it is regarded as a permanent export. In its place you will receive a Certificate of Export V561 as confirmation of your vehicle's registration.
If you apply in person to a VRO you will normally be issued with the Export Certificate over the counter, provided you can produce the V5 Registration Document. If you do not have the V5 Registration Document or if you have the green V5/2 New Keeper's Supplement, you will need to complete an application to a VRO or send it to DVLC, Swansea.
If the application is made in person to a VRO you will need to provide proof of identity such as a driver's license, passport or utility bill which indicates your name and address.
Unless you are already registered as the keeper of the vehicle, checks for entitlement may have to be made before an Export Certificate is issued. If the VRO is unable to issue the Certificate, the application will be forwarded to DVLC, and dispatch of the certificate may be delayed while entitlement is established.
The VRO will not accept an application more than 14 days prior to the intended date of exportation. Please note you may be required to surrender the Export Certificate to the foreign authority when the vehicle is registered abroad.
Do I need approval to import a vehicle?
All vehicles imported into Canada must meet stringent import requirements regarding safety standards that must be met. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) work with Transport Canada to ensure that all vehicles imported into Canada are done so in line with safety standards and applicable import regulations. It is important for you to know that your vehicle will be accepted into Canada before shipment as it is the responsibility of the importer to make sure that their vehicle is admissible for importation. If you ship an inadmissible vehicle to Canada, your vehicle will be denied entry and you will be liable for all storage and disposal/re-export costs incurred.
How will you stow my vehicle in the container?
Our preferred method is for the container to be swing lifted onto the ground, at our depot facility, this allows for easy loading of your vehicle, once inside the container the vehicle is chocked at the wheels and vehicle retaining straps are used to anchor the vehicle to the container between the towing points or axles and floor mounted ring bolts to prevent movement in transit.
We use only industry recognised stowage techniques to provide maximum protection for your vehicle in transit.
Can you provide Insurance Cover?
With international Vehicle transportation our staff have been extensively trained to take every possible precaution to protect and secure your vehicle whilst in transit. Whilst great care is taken during the shipping of your vehicle, we will do everything possible to ensure your vehicle does arrive safely, nevertheless there are many instances of risk for loss or damage which are beyond our control. Due to this Relo UK’s liability for loss or damage must be limited by our standard terms and conditions contract, which are incorporated into all removal, storage and shipping contracts.
If you do not take out adequate insurance, your recourse against the removal company or subsequent carriers and third parties for loss or damage, if they are liable, may be limited. Other parties involved may include, for example, the nominated shipping company or airline, other transport operators, the Port Authority etc. These parties operate under separate contract conditions, or under international law or conventions that may limit or exclude their liability. If a loss occurs at sea the shipping company may declare a General Average loss (which is the cost incurred by the carrier to preserve the vessel and its cargo). In this case, you, as the ‘shipper and owner’ of the goods may have to contribute to the General Average loss incurred by the shipping company. This principle of contribution is an insurable risk and is covered by marine transit policy issued by Relo UK.
Insurance is a way of managing risks. When you buy insurance, you transfer the cost of a potential loss to the insurance company.
A transit proposal form will be provided with all our quotation extended. We advise you to read the information carefully; if there any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask.
Can you store my vehicle prior to shipment?
At Relo UK we have a fully customs bonded warehouse, which is alarmed and fitted with CCTV cameras for added security, whether it is for a short period whilst in transit, or for a longer term, we are able to offer you with a competitive storage cost.
What documentation do you require?
Once you have confirmed that Relo UK are to be your selected supplier, we will confirm you’re booking with an email, which will confirm your shipment details and request the following information from you
1. Completed Acceptance/Customer Information Form
2. A legible copy of the details page of the “lead clients” passport (photo page) - Please ensure that we have the correct details for the “lead client” or person whose name the shipment will be in.
3. A copy of your residents VISA or work permit for your chosen destination - unless you are a returning passport holder.
4. Copy of registration document, or permanent export from DVLA
5. Purchase invoice and proof of ownership
6. Completed Insurance Valuation Form - attached for your reference (should cover be required).
Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you have authority to import your Vehicle into Canada, so if in doubt contact the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) We are unable to ship your vehicle without your completed documentation and payment.
My Vehicle has arrived in Canada
When your vehicle has shipped from the UK, we will provide you with copy shipping documentation, the bill of lading, covering shipment of your vehicle. The bill of lading is not raised until the vessel carrying your car has sailed from the UK as in addition to detailing shipping details it also comprises evidence of your vehicle being exported from the UK. In addition, shipping to your documentation, we will also re-confirm the details of the vessels including anticipated arrival date in Canada and provide contact details for our receiving agents at destination. Our agents will contact you when your car arrives to make arrangements with you for completing customs import formalities.
What charges are payable on arrival?
Quotation for Vehicles are normally extending a depot / handout service and will include terminals and custom clearance formalities, what is not included in our quotations are collections and deliveries via car transporter services, customs inspection fees, any customs duty or taxes, import permits fees, and agriculture quarantine inspections
Do you offer financial protection?
We are a core member of the IAM (International Association of Movers), which is a governing body setup to check for quality assurance and customer service within the removal industry. This is very similar to the BAR (British Association of Removers) but instead of on a UK scale the IAM is recognised internationally so you have peace of mind here in the UK, and also at your destination, that the way your vehilce movements will be conducted would be monitored and comply with agreed standards that are enforceable by the governing body wherever you are in the world at the time.
Do you operate to a code of practice?
Our terms and conditions are based on standard international removal industry codes of practice, these conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to this Agreement. Where we use the word 'you' or 'your' it means the Customer: 'we', 'us' or 'our' means the Remover. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written
agreement. Your attention is drawn to Clauses 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 which set out our liability to you for loss of or damage to goods and property.
Why choose ReloUK for my Vehicle shipping?
We are not the biggest international mover or shipper of vehicles, however our service is second to none, we have since our inception moved countless vehicles, families and their possessions worldwide, we have an in-depth knowledge of relocation to Canada for not just vehicles but household goods and effects, and you can rest assured our service is competent, friendly and at all times professional, we are proud of our reputation and look forward to moving you.
We are proud members of the following: